Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mi Piojito

Coming home was incredible! I felt adrenaline rushing every time I saw Maxie move. It was finally real! We were going home with or cutie pie! And then I shortly realized that it was true....time  does fly...before I knew it I was to my current present O_O'

First week home!!! 

Two weeks :) 

Four weeks!!! Already smiling with momma and daddy :D

6 weeks....



It's August already? I have to go back to work??? But...

Then it hit me. Modern day mommy...

The day I never prepared for or thought about. My first day back to work. As I left my home I couldn't help by tear up...I knew Maxie was in great hands with his grandmother, but I felt a pain I was very new to. My first day seemed incredibly long. New position, new Jenifer, new responsibilities, new life. 

Now instead of taking breaks to relax and socialize I had to figure out this whole "Tommy Tippee breast pump" 

Life was crazy! I was constantly torn between loving my career and missing my baby. Then I kept on moving back and back my date of when to stop nursing. I can proudly say I pumped until Maxie was 8 almost 9 months with leftovers to last until 10 months. Still working on the weaning...but that's another topic!! Getting back on track!

Already 3 months!!! I could not believe it...I only did when the clothes actually fit him....his "aunty" Eliana got him this cute tiger outfit...I can't deny, it was one of my favorites!!

Then came my favorite part...foods!!!! At 4 and half months I decided to start giving Maxie tastes of solids. I was so lucky that although he loved his foods he loved nursing even more. Which made it so easy to introduce him to new flavors. His favorite...avocado!!! And to this day banana mashed with avocado is his "comfort food". 

5 almost 6 was little Santa came around the corner and I just was in awe still. This is right around when my friend Gisselle promised me a formula to make our baby boys stop growing heehee. 

 7 months...he loved his jumper daddy got him...hahaha but this picture was priceless...he really wanted my arepa but I couldn't share! Not good food for you yet n_n

By the time Maxie was close to 9 months it was time for my family that visited from Venezuela to grandmother bottom left, came to visit for 3 months to help with her great grand was beautiful to see them together. My aunt and cousin that also came to visit left after one month and a half. I admit it was great to have the experience and knowledge of my family to help me with Maxie. I was so scared to be without them. But just thinking that I still had my mother, Ricky, Ricky's mom, and great friends, made it all better. 

Maxie was just around the corner of being one!!! was crazy! Almost a year had gone by. Almost a year on my life making a 180 degree change. I loved the feeling. But not sure how I felt at Maxie growing so fast. I love this picture. I love taking pictures of him! I have to try and hold back or this would just turn into Instagram :D 

There it was...the big day arrived....the day Maxie turned we were July 5th 2013 3:11 pm....and I was holdings in my arms a big big boy!!! (87th percentile for his height!!!) 

Mommy Maxie and daddy!! 

He absolutely loooooved his cake!!! It was hilarious this picture is perfect!!! 

Here he year old. I can't believe how much has happened in this last year. So many memories. So maybe laughs. So maybe tears. So many surprises...but here I am...I made it! I am proud to say that I did it! I consider myself a good mother to a wonderful child that is making it work. Full time career as a business process analyst. Home owner to a beautiful home and crossing my fingers that we will own a new vehicle soon as well...if did it...anyone can! So many sacrifices...but in the end the look on Maxie's face when I come home and we finally get to be together....priceless!!! 

"What I like about you, you really know how to dance. When you go up down, jump around. Talk about true romance, yeah! 

Keep on whispering in my ear, tell me all the things that I wanna hear, cause its true, that's what I like about you!!!"

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