Thursday, July 25, 2013

This is what life is all about right...?

Having a full time job and being a mom can be pretty stressful...specially when you love your job....but love your cutie pie even more! I gotta say....when working for an awesome company such as makes my life a ton's definitely all worth it tho....specially when I come home to this....

I love him so so much!! Finding the right balance to both can be difficult..realizing that you only have an hour or two to spend with him before its time to sleep or have his nap...makes things a bit difficult. It's definitely all about the quality of time...he seems like a different baby boy every day that I see him...but the same beautiful smile when he sees me....

As tough as it is I love being a working mother...something about being able to pass my wisdom on to Maxie as he grows just really hits home...not that I don't think about being a stay at home mom...heehee I already have a "back-up" job if that were to be the case. 

"Don't you know that when I see your face its like sunlight're just like, just like sunlight...."

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