Monday, July 29, 2013


I can't deny it...I was a little down (even though I felt guilty) that my little Maxie was not walking by the time he hit the One Year seemed he was not interested in the least since he is an incredibly FAST crawler. I tried everything...walkers or as we say in Spanish andadera, walking/pushing toys, talking and encouraging him by walking along side with him, holding on to a scarf, to my hands, in the grass, seemed Maxie was not giving in...until Sunday....AHHHH the moment I had been waiting all along..I placed him down in the kitchen floor and he looked kind of serious as he was all squared, standing up straight...and took off!! I was in shock! It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen! He combined crawling with walking. And as soon as he saw his cousins he kept walking back and forth!!! I love that he took his time but most importantly that he teaches me so much to have patience and trust...together we are an awesome team he is my forever!

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