Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Birthday Party Idea

When it came to Maxie's first birthday I found ENDLESS ideas...I decided to give myself a budget and kept on top of mind that I wanted babies at my party to not eat so much junk food....mistake #1....I think there is something about birthday parities, where parent already prepare to say "it's okay they can have chips and pizza for today". Wish I would have known beautiful as all my fruit decor was the LAST thing gone...I think if any, my advice to take away from this...really gage your audience...

I took a few pictures from a video I was taking...some of the photos turned out a bit blurry but still have the potential to show the work! 

This photo was taken from the entrance. Right above I had a happy birthday banner and the balloons where hanging from the entrance...HUGE success! All children LOVED the idea of running through them. They were high enough to where the small children couldn't pull them. But low enough where the bigger children could play and understand not to pull them. It was definitely a cute cheaper idea! 

As for cakes I decided to do cupcakes. It was also anther big hit! I had the bigger cake part for Maxie to play with and everyone else has cupcakes. This helped me in saving utensils and tons of room!! 

This way I was also able to have a variety! 

Next I have all my fruit sculptures. They are simple enough for the most part. 

Fruit kabob.

Fruit punch. Or as we Venezuelans say...tizana. 

Fruit salad. 

Banana tree! 

I also had tequeños (similar to cheese sticks..but oh so much better) I ordered from tequño factory. These where a huge hit of all..was the first thing gone. 

Also had mi I sandwiches. The last thing gone where the fruits...again lesson learned I think next time I won't have as many. I should also add this was done at the club house of my home community where lots of kids where able to go enjoy the swimming pool. 

I provided mini water bottles I purchased from Costco. 

Enjoy!! Once I find the better pictures I will post :) 

1 comment:

  1. the party turned out really great! I loved those "taqueños",... i ate more than one... hehe
    the details were perfect. You def captured what a baby party should be like, diego had a blast and ate all the yummy things you prepared!
