Monday, August 5, 2013

Amazing weekend!

What a great weekend! So many good things have happened :) patience and dedication is definitely paying off. Even when I least see it...we finally were able to try out our new addition to the family....

Mazda CX-5

Such an amazing car!!! It's definitely an upgrade from my 2 door eclipse! Although I loved my little batmobile....

We have our family over visiting. Learning from my incredibly wonderful aunt. Even with all of our fights...this whole week , really, has made me realize a great matter what has happened in the past I can see so much clearer why things happened the way they did..why the people in my life are still there. Through our ups and downs my aunt and I remain so close, I am lucky to have such a wonderful mother and role model to learn from and ask for guidance. 

Just when I think I have gone down a rough patch with Maxie, she is there to clarify all my worries and help us move o.  :) I am going to miss these four ladies web they leave back to Montana..wish they were here longer. Maxie has also learned a great deal. 

1.  That he has cute little cousins he can play and do so much with! 

2. His limit of "over stimulation" with crowds!! (This one...not so fun...)

We had an amazing time at the pool as a family! Maxie used a cute little floatie (that I most definitely need to buy!!!) 

We had an incredible time in Park City!!! First year attending the Kimball Art Festival...made me wish I had tons more money to purchase such great work! Such beautiful jewelry and was hard to not be blown away... 

And today we sealed and said goodbye to the weekend with an incredible BBQ and bingo night...I gotta admit my cutie pie (Ricky) makes an AMAZING shrimp cocktail!! Omg and frijoles mmmmmm. Most definitely he made me love Mexican foods even more!! I have to keep getting used to spicy...specially when his favorite is chile habanero...I'm in trouble haha. 

Eventually all pieces fall into place. We are all one of a kind..and just when we think someone else may have it made or has a bit better than realize that everything happens for a reason...this weekend gave me the strength to move a bit closer to accept me for who I obsessive compulsive person when it comes to Maxie, organization, money (bills), my family, and my body. I cannot be super woman...I can only take things one step at a time. When I am complaining about being a bit over weight or Maxie not doing something as I wish...there is someone that may be struggling in more ways that are more life threatening...and I can be doing something to try and help.

I am blessed to be in the place that I am...a wonderful boyfriend, a healthy big baby boy, a beautiful home, a kickass new vehicle, irreplaceable family, and dream job with great people I could never replace...everything else comes second...

Soon to have our own place. Will help my family as much as I can...but now time to focus one MY little family...

JMR...Jenifer Maximiliano Ricky...always and forever!! 

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