Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Green Smoothie

I've been on and off juicing for quite some time  but I have to admit every time that I juice I LOVE it!!!

It feels great in all aspects! On average, I leave my home around 8am. When I have my free smoothie, I can easily go all the way to 12 or so to have lunch without feeling famished. :) 

Another great thing about the awesome green smoothie, it helps tremendously with my digestion. I have a horrible digestive system. Once I have my green smoothie daily, I am a happy camper :D I was able to get my mom and boyfriend on the juicing bandwagon...and even Maxie (my baby boy) loves them!!! 

When I decided that juicing was something I wanted to be a bit more serious about, I purchased the Nutri-bullet!! 

I love this system! If you are on a budget and cannot afford or simply do not have the room for a fancy, huge, juicing machine...this is it! It works wonders! Not just for juicing but on so many levels!! 

I received the Baby Bullet as a baby shower present...which I also adored (I will have to post about it later on) but with the Nutri-Bullet I quickly replaced it...

I am going to share by far my favorite recipe of my version of the green smoothie!!! 

You will use the following ingredients: 

-2 big Kale leaves(depending on the leaf itself usually I will only use the leaf it's optional to leave the stem.)
-1banana (it really depends on your taste the farmer the skin, the sweeter the fruit)
-half a grew apple
-half an avocado (if decent size...if its relatively small, I recommend the whole avocado)
-5 blueberries 
-2 Oz of wheat grass
-add water to your liking, usually I do 1/2 the cup I use to blend.

Being that there is that there are so many ingredients you may find that you only want to use the big cup. Once you make it the first time, it really depends on your likening what you want to add, remove, or change measurement. 

 This is about the consistency of the smoothie when I'm finished with it! I also like to add a couple of ice cubes. I prefer the smoothie chilled. 

I saw a huge change in energy, digestion, and even loosing some next goal is to move to full time juicing even for a week!!! 


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