Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Grilled Chicken Tacos

Okay so today I decided to do another one of my Pinterest recipes :) 

While choosing which one to cook I had such an amazing time with  my cutie pie :) 

I can't believe how much he has been growing time is flying by!! 

He's definitely mommy's little helper :) 

Since I was looking to do something quick and yummy before Maxie's sleepy time. So I decided to do my own little version of the grilled fish taco recipe I pinned. 


- 1 mango - peeled and cubed
- 1 avocado - peeled and cubed
- 1/4 of a big white onion finely chopped 
- Juice of 1 lime
- 1/2 cup of chopped cilantro
- salt and pepper to your taste 
- coconut oil
- 2 chicken breast filet
- 2 cups of shredded red cabbage 
- 8-10 corn tortillas

- In a medium bowl mix mango, avocado, onion, cilantro, like, salt and pepper to your taste. 

- Rub chicken breast with season salt, oregano, and coconut oil to taste. 

- Heat stovetop grill pan until warm use one tsp of coconut oil and grill chicken until golden on both sides. Once cooled, cube the chicken. 

They turned out delicious!!!!

Cannot wait to make these again!! 

Mmm...Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

I have been able to complete so many accomplishments that seemed mere dreams and thoughts for quite some time.

We were able to get our own place (woot woot)!! It's great being able to have our own space, and most importantly, now spend the much needed quality time with my family. With that being said, I love having everyone over for dinner. Its a great time to catch up and also a good practice to polish my skills and keep adding to my book of recipes :)

This time I made Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers.  They turned out so so so good! I just have to share the recipe! The best part....so easy to make!!


  • 4 bell peppers tops cut off, wash out seeds - your choice of type of bell pepper. I like to do them all different colors :)
  • 1 Cup of cooked Quinoa - I used the Roland Roasted Garlic Quinoa
    • I have inserted the link to Walmart, but you can definitely just go to your local store
    • If you decide to use the same quinoa that I used, one package will be sufficient, follow instructions on packaging. 
  • 1 cup corn kernels - canned works also
  • 1/2 cup canned black beans
  • 1/2 cup shredded pepper jack cheese
  • 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1/4 chopped fresh cilantro leaves
  • Salt and Pepper to taste. 


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 
  • In a large bowl mix all ingredients: quinoa, corn kernels, black beans, cheeses, and cilantro. Don't forget salt and pepper to your taste :). 
  • With a table spoon, fill in each bell pepper, place in a baking dish with open side facing up. 
  • Cook until peppers are tender about 30 minutes- they should not get wrinkly or mush over. 

I served with a simple salad - romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and strawberry / walnut dressing.

let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Selling on eBay!

It has been a love/hate relationship trying to sort through the articles that Maxie has grown out of...

I decided to try the eBay way of life :P I have made the big jump and I am testing this whole selling situation. So far, I have got to admit that it has been a very positive experience! I am happy to say that it feels great being able to sell Maxie's old things, and know that someone else is valuing them almost as much as I am. Something about knowing that now another person will enjoy them almost as much as we did!

It all started with this message...

Since then,  I am proud to say that it's definitely been great to have a bit of money on the side also!

I rarely log on my computer, but listing from my iPad or iPhone is just as easy! My favorite is the iPad...
It lines everything up step by step! 

  1. Type in the name of the item you want to sell - if someone has listed a similar item, you can click on the title and then eBay will automatically choose the item category for you!
    1. If you decided that the item is a bit more original -  you can always look through what I like to refer to as the "bread crumb" options of categories.
  2. Next, you have a variety of options to fill out such as:
    1. Item specs - new, used, new without box, with box, etc. 
    2. Item description
    3. Item pictures
    4. Item price
    5. Shipping options - flat rate, calculated, or even free shipping
    6. PayPal account info - I use PayPal to receive payments. I have been a fan of them since being a long time buyer of eBay :)...you could say there may be a slight addiction...haha
    7. Buyer Requirements - You can also place different requirements buyers must meet in order to purchase your items. 
  3. Next, you will be given the option to add "enhancers" to your listing and then LIST YOUR ITEM!!! WHOOO HOOOO
  4. This then becomes my favorite part....
  5. Shipping - you can actually print the shipping label right from your home!I also received this next cool message after my items started selling..
I was not aware that the post office would actually ship boxes to you!! This by far was probably the moment when I realized that...hey maybe I can do this as a side hobby...hmmmmm . Now shipping label was printed, cute little item was boxed and ready to go...I even went as far as adding a note of happiness to the awesome person to purchase the item. Now I had 3 options...
  1. Drop off the package at my local post office
  2. Call the post office to schedule a pick-up
  3. Or take it to work - my work does offer to ship packages of employees..so of course I took advantage!
This has been quite the short journey so far! I am excited to keep sharing my items, meeting new people all over the world, and making some extra money to keep spoiling my cutie pie!!!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Birthday Party Idea

When it came to Maxie's first birthday I found ENDLESS ideas...I decided to give myself a budget and kept on top of mind that I wanted babies at my party to not eat so much junk food....mistake #1....I think there is something about birthday parities, where parent already prepare to say "it's okay they can have chips and pizza for today". Wish I would have known that...as beautiful as all my fruit decor was...it was the LAST thing gone...I think if any, my advice to take away from this...really gage your audience...

I took a few pictures from a video I was taking...some of the photos turned out a bit blurry but still have the potential to show the work! 

This photo was taken from the entrance. Right above I had a happy birthday banner and the balloons where hanging from the entrance...HUGE success! All children LOVED the idea of running through them. They were high enough to where the small children couldn't pull them. But low enough where the bigger children could play and understand not to pull them. It was definitely a cute cheaper idea! 

As for cakes I decided to do cupcakes. It was also anther big hit! I had the bigger cake part for Maxie to play with and everyone else has cupcakes. This helped me in saving utensils and tons of room!! 

This way I was also able to have a variety! 

Next I have all my fruit sculptures. They are simple enough for the most part. 

Fruit kabob.

Fruit punch. Or as we Venezuelans say...tizana. 

Fruit salad. 

Banana tree! 

I also had tequeños (similar to cheese sticks..but oh so much better) I ordered from tequño factory. These where a huge hit of all..was the first thing gone. 

Also had mi I sandwiches. The last thing gone where the fruits...again lesson learned I think next time I won't have as many. I should also add this was done at the club house of my home community where lots of kids where able to go enjoy the swimming pool. 

I provided mini water bottles I purchased from Costco. 

Enjoy!! Once I find the better pictures I will post :) 

Green Smoothie

I've been on and off juicing for quite some time  but I have to admit every time that I juice I LOVE it!!!

It feels great in all aspects! On average, I leave my home around 8am. When I have my free smoothie, I can easily go all the way to 12 or so to have lunch without feeling famished. :) 

Another great thing about the awesome green smoothie, it helps tremendously with my digestion. I have a horrible digestive system. Once I have my green smoothie daily, I am a happy camper :D I was able to get my mom and boyfriend on the juicing bandwagon...and even Maxie (my baby boy) loves them!!! 

When I decided that juicing was something I wanted to be a bit more serious about, I purchased the Nutri-bullet!! 

I love this system! If you are on a budget and cannot afford or simply do not have the room for a fancy, huge, juicing machine...this is it! It works wonders! Not just for juicing but on so many levels!! 

I received the Baby Bullet as a baby shower present...which I also adored (I will have to post about it later on) but with the Nutri-Bullet I quickly replaced it...

I am going to share by far my favorite recipe of my version of the green smoothie!!! 

You will use the following ingredients: 

-2 big Kale leaves(depending on the leaf itself usually I will only use the leaf it's optional to leave the stem.)
-1banana (it really depends on your taste the farmer the skin, the sweeter the fruit)
-half a grew apple
-half an avocado (if decent size...if its relatively small, I recommend the whole avocado)
-5 blueberries 
-2 Oz of wheat grass
-add water to your liking, usually I do 1/2 the cup I use to blend.

Being that there is that there are so many ingredients you may find that you only want to use the big cup. Once you make it the first time, it really depends on your likening what you want to add, remove, or change measurement. 

 This is about the consistency of the smoothie when I'm finished with it! I also like to add a couple of ice cubes. I prefer the smoothie chilled. 

I saw a huge change in energy, digestion, and even loosing some lbs...my next goal is to move to full time juicing even for a week!!! 


Monday, August 12, 2013


I am lucky to have the opportunity to be a bridesmaid to an amazing person!! Her name is Ale. Ale and Connor (spouse to be) are such a great couple and just overall amazing friends. 

This whole journey has been crazy..although I can't share as much as I'd love to... Maxie pretty much takes up all my time. 

The few times we have had the opportunity to get together had been amazing! 

Beautiful Ale and I :) 

The bridemaids \m/ 

Jojo, Kari, and I <3 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Amazing weekend!

What a great weekend! So many good things have happened :) patience and dedication is definitely paying off. Even when I least see it...we finally were able to try out our new addition to the family....

Mazda CX-5

Such an amazing car!!! It's definitely an upgrade from my 2 door eclipse! Although I loved my little batmobile....

We have our family over visiting. Learning from my incredibly wonderful aunt. Even with all of our fights...this whole week , really, has made me realize a great deal...no matter what has happened in the past I can see so much clearer why things happened the way they did..why the people in my life are still there. Through our ups and downs my aunt and I remain so close, I am lucky to have such a wonderful mother and role model to learn from and ask for guidance. 

Just when I think I have gone down a rough patch with Maxie, she is there to clarify all my worries and help us move o.  :) I am going to miss these four ladies web they leave back to Montana..wish they were here longer. Maxie has also learned a great deal. 

1.  That he has cute little cousins he can play and do so much with! 

2. His limit of "over stimulation" with crowds!! (This one...not so fun...)

We had an amazing time at the pool as a family! Maxie used a cute little floatie (that I most definitely need to buy!!!) 

We had an incredible time in Park City!!! First year attending the Kimball Art Festival...made me wish I had tons more money to purchase such great work! Such beautiful jewelry and canvases...it was hard to not be blown away... 

And today we sealed and said goodbye to the weekend with an incredible BBQ and bingo night...I gotta admit my cutie pie (Ricky) makes an AMAZING shrimp cocktail!! Omg and frijoles mmmmmm. Most definitely he made me love Mexican foods even more!! I have to keep getting used to spicy...specially when his favorite is chile habanero...I'm in trouble haha. 

Eventually all pieces fall into place. We are all one of a kind..and just when we think someone else may have it made or has a bit better than you...you realize that everything happens for a reason...this weekend gave me the strength to move a bit closer to accept me for who I am...an obsessive compulsive person when it comes to Maxie, organization, money (bills), my family, and my body. I cannot be super woman...I can only take things one step at a time. When I am complaining about being a bit over weight or Maxie not doing something as I wish...there is someone that may be struggling in more ways that are more life threatening...and I can be doing something to try and help.

I am blessed to be in the place that I am...a wonderful boyfriend, a healthy big baby boy, a beautiful home, a kickass new vehicle, irreplaceable family, and dream job with great people I could never replace...everything else comes second...

Soon to have our own place. Will help my family as much as I can...but now time to focus one MY little family...

JMR...Jenifer Maximiliano Ricky...always and forever!! 

Monday, July 29, 2013


I can't deny it...I was a little down (even though I felt guilty) that my little Maxie was not walking by the time he hit the One Year mark...it seemed he was not interested in the least since he is an incredibly FAST crawler. I tried everything...walkers or as we say in Spanish andadera, walking/pushing toys, talking and encouraging him by walking along side with him, holding on to a scarf, to my hands, in the grass, etc...it seemed Maxie was not giving in...until Sunday....AHHHH the moment I had been waiting all along..I placed him down in the kitchen floor and he looked kind of serious as he was all squared, standing up straight...and took off!! I was in shock! It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen! He combined crawling with walking. And as soon as he saw his cousins he kept walking back and forth!!! I love that he took his time but most importantly that he teaches me so much to have patience and trust...together we are an awesome team he is my forever!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

This is what life is all about right...?

Having a full time job and being a mom can be pretty stressful...specially when you love your job....but love your cutie pie even more! I gotta say....when working for an awesome company such as eBay...it makes my life a ton easier...it's definitely all worth it tho....specially when I come home to this....

I love him so so much!! Finding the right balance to both can be difficult..realizing that you only have an hour or two to spend with him before its time to sleep or have his nap...makes things a bit difficult. It's definitely all about the quality of time...he seems like a different baby boy every day that I see him...but the same beautiful smile when he sees me....

As tough as it is I love being a working mother...something about being able to pass my wisdom on to Maxie as he grows just really hits home...not that I don't think about being a stay at home mom...heehee I already have a "back-up" job if that were to be the case. 

"Don't you know that when I see your face its like sunlight dripping....you're just like, just like sunlight...."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mi Piojito

Coming home was incredible! I felt adrenaline rushing every time I saw Maxie move. It was finally real! We were going home with or cutie pie! And then I shortly realized that it was true....time  does fly...before I knew it I was to my current present O_O'

First week home!!! 

Two weeks :) 

Four weeks!!! Already smiling with momma and daddy :D

6 weeks....



It's August already? I have to go back to work??? But...

Then it hit me. Modern day mommy...

The day I never prepared for or thought about. My first day back to work. As I left my home I couldn't help by tear up...I knew Maxie was in great hands with his grandmother, but I felt a pain I was very new to. My first day seemed incredibly long. New position, new Jenifer, new responsibilities, new life. 

Now instead of taking breaks to relax and socialize I had to figure out this whole "Tommy Tippee breast pump" 

Life was crazy! I was constantly torn between loving my career and missing my baby. Then I kept on moving back and back my date of when to stop nursing. I can proudly say I pumped until Maxie was 8 almost 9 months with leftovers to last until 10 months. Still working on the weaning...but that's another topic!! Getting back on track!

Already 3 months!!! I could not believe it...I only did when the clothes actually fit him....his "aunty" Eliana got him this cute tiger outfit...I can't deny, it was one of my favorites!!

Then came my favorite part...foods!!!! At 4 and half months I decided to start giving Maxie tastes of solids. I was so lucky that although he loved his foods he loved nursing even more. Which made it so easy to introduce him to new flavors. His favorite...avocado!!! And to this day banana mashed with avocado is his "comfort food". 

5 almost 6 months...it was insane...my little Santa came around the corner and I just was in awe still. This is right around when my friend Gisselle promised me a formula to make our baby boys stop growing heehee. 

 7 months...he loved his jumper daddy got him...hahaha but this picture was priceless...he really wanted my arepa but I couldn't share! Not good food for you yet n_n

By the time Maxie was close to 9 months it was time for my family that visited from Venezuela to leave...my grandmother bottom left, came to visit for 3 months to help with her great grand child....it was beautiful to see them together. My aunt and cousin that also came to visit left after one month and a half. I admit it was great to have the experience and knowledge of my family to help me with Maxie. I was so scared to be without them. But just thinking that I still had my mother, Ricky, Ricky's mom, and great friends, made it all better. 

Maxie was just around the corner of being one!!!  Wow...it was crazy! Almost a year had gone by. Almost a year on my life making a 180 degree change. I loved the feeling. But not sure how I felt at Maxie growing so fast. I love this picture. I love taking pictures of him! I have to try and hold back or this would just turn into Instagram :D 

There it was...the big day arrived....the day Maxie turned one...here we were July 5th 2013 3:11 pm....and I was holdings in my arms a big big boy!!! (87th percentile for his height!!!) 

Mommy Maxie and daddy!! 

He absolutely loooooved his cake!!! It was hilarious this picture is perfect!!! 

Here he was...one year old. I can't believe how much has happened in this last year. So many memories. So maybe laughs. So maybe tears. So many surprises...but here I am...I made it! I am proud to say that I did it! I consider myself a good mother to a wonderful child that is making it work. Full time career as a business process analyst. Home owner to a beautiful home and crossing my fingers that we will own a new vehicle soon as well...if did it...anyone can! So many sacrifices...but in the end the look on Maxie's face when I come home and we finally get to be together....priceless!!! 

"What I like about you, you really know how to dance. When you go up down, jump around. Talk about true romance, yeah! 

Keep on whispering in my ear, tell me all the things that I wanna hear, cause its true, that's what I like about you!!!"

Here comes Maxie!!

It's crazy to think that over a year has flown by! I think I'll will start from day one with Maxie in order to carry on.....the day I found out I had a little bean inside me...it was INCREDIBLE!
This was what saw...I remember setting the appointment and sharing the news with Ricky...he was ecstatic! I was extremely nervous. When our appointment was set up, I refused to believe they would see anything, "there's no way, I'm not that far, they'll send us home.  I know it!" But, on we went. The day finally came when we had to go see doctor Dinger (sweetest Man I've ever met that now is retired). As I laid in bed waiting for the ultrasound specialist, I couldn't stop shaking, my hands were sweaty. As soon as the cold tool pressed up against my belly....there he was...my little bean...my little guy. I was 9 weeks. It was incredible!! The ultrasound above is when I was about 15 weeks. Its my favorite! 

It was incredible seeing my belly grow day by day!!  

Here I was about 5-6 months this photo was taken by my incredible friend, Gisselle Fotography. 

Here we are just thinking we couldn't wait to see you! 

I was already 7 months!!! Can you believe this??? I have to admit, I felt like Renzo, my brother, and my relationship got stronger with my pregnancy. I didn't think that could be possible! He is practically my BFFFF! He loved my belly and day dreamed about his first nephew. "I am going to buy him everything Jeep! He is going to be so spoiled". 

As the day got closer...it felt like the summer got hotter...AND hotter! I lived hanging out my the pool. Something about letting your chubbies free with no judgement felt amazing heehee. I have to admit it felt great showing off my belly! I was one proud momma-to-be! 

 Finally my last baby shower! I was EXHAUSTED!!!!! I couldn't wait to lay down...I was so grateful for all the love, blessings, and gifts I received. I could already tell Maximiliano was going to be the center of attention! 

I clearly remember July 4th 2012....we are lucky to live on the higher side of the valley where we can see all of the valley. I asked Ricky to join me for a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the fireworks. He always worried and got mad at me for not "relaxing" I loved to walk. We had walked a little over half a mile when I felt like something was just literally going to fall out of me!!! I immediately wanted to go home! I refused to have a 4th of July baby!! Hahaha...I'm a dork...we went back home and and I hurried to lay down. I didn't rest very well. I felt like I tossed and turned all night. Thinking back, I'm not sure  if it was due to my nervousness, anxiety, excitement, or when my contractions started kicking in. I started texting my friends during the middle if the night around 2-3AM, asking how they experienced their day. When did they know it was time. When did they exactly know.  It want until 7:30 AM that I started to bleed a bit when I decided to go to the hospital. 

Everything seemed so fast! I was laying in a waiting room by 8:30 AM my best friend Eliana and Ricky never left my side.  Due to a complication with my cervix, Maxie was not able to break my water, plus the small but nonetheless concerning bleeding; the doctors decided to break my water. I was in my delivery room waiting for Dr. Dinger by 11AM. Then I received the bad news he was off and not available but his partner would be taking over. The staff did not believe I would give birth so quickly. When I was instructed to wait for the doctor...this took over 2 hours!! FINALLY dr. Hutchinson arrived!!! And as the clock hit exactly 3:11 PM I looked out the window to see the massive thunder storm and rain through my view, when I heard the cry of our baby boy....


My mind went blank....I couldn't believe the day had finally arrived...it couldn't be true! Me Jenifer...a mother???
 Omg! It's true! I couldn't Wait to hold him close to me! To feel his heart beat close to mine! To have his eyes meet my eyes....

 Proudest father I know :D 
Welcome Maximiliano Lopez! July 5th 2012 5lb 3oz 17in. 

The next few hours felt like a blurr  all I remember was Maxie...

Officially one day old!!! 

Then came the visitors and the pictures and the hugs. Did I really make it? I did this? I really just brought to this world this beautiful healthy boy? 

Let's go home!!!! 

"Te pido que me que me cures está herida, yo se muy bien que no es tu obligación. Tan sólo si amortiguas mi caída serás mi salvación. 

Promete intentar no hacerte daño, prometo darte todo lo que yo. Prometo regalarte sin reparo, mi corazón...."